Aralanic Theory

From Aryez

Book of the Aryama

Aralanic Theory

Before I start the body of this essay, I would like the make a point about the nature of God and his love. It is foolish to say that God does not guide disbelievers and sinners. For do they not need him more than anyone else? Do they not search for him, unknowingly or not more than anyone else? Anyone who searches for the truth searches for God. Nor will God ever close anyone’s heart but will leave all hearts open so that some truth or softness will enter within. God loves more than anything and will not prevent a person from redeeming himself and obtaining mercy and forgiveness.

Often in discussing theology, we take the animate concepts of God, Satan, spirits, angels, and demons, and say that these are merely personifications or representations of higher, more abstract concepts. But this does not take out the warmth of human God. There are two ways of seeing God, one in a higher form as a supreme entity, another in a more accessible form as a deity to communicate with. Which is true? Both. There is more to God than his personification just like there is more to humans than their bodies and minds. And though the soul uses the mind to function and although the mind has its independent animal non-soul functions and desires (the human being the merger of physical and spiritual, both of which are subsets of existence), the souls higher being, its inner truth comes from somewhere else and thus there is more to human emotion than just the instinctive firing of neurons. And likewise, the soul of God, which is existence itself, light itself, gravity itself, matter itself, energy itself, comes from beyond existence, a higher order, outside the Universe, from which the true power and depth of God originates.

Iru (God) is and Melkor (Satan) isn’t. The devil tries to negate everything that is; he thrives on void and non-existence. It is not simply enough for him to destroy for what is destroyed may be reused. It is his purpose to utterly annihilate. And thus every that is, the Devil tries to make opposite, to oppose existence and thus attempt to destroy it. Thus we get matter and anti-matter which annihilate each other, but matter being the true form triumphed and some survived to continue God’s plan. Yet even the opposite of what originally was still IS (exists) until it is destroyed so the Devil cannot win his own game, see how pathetic he is. He caused a cosmic, almost eternal battle in which the forces of darkness, evil, and non-existence battle those of light, good, and existence, but he is doomed to defeat as his tools all come from his enemy themselves. He styles himself the equal of God but is nothing compared to God. God will crush him. The Devil thinks he is his own master but everything he does fulfills God’s purpose anyhow. Satan is a fool. He has no love, no mercy, and no knowledge. God has all these- he is wise, merciful, loving, purposeful, humble and yet great.

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