Tanaka Rai

From Angeliquemew

(Redirected from Rai)
Kotonoha Katsura (green eyes edited from red) from School Days represents Rai

Tanaka Rai is a 14 year old Human. She is played by Fiddie-chan (Member)


[edit] History

[edit] Before

Rai has lived in Tokyo for as long as she can remember. She doesn't remember her life any other way then it is now; she's a pretty normal girl. Yes, normal. Rai was born on January 5th, fourteen years ago. She grew up with her parents and siblings as a, dare say, normal girl. Her life went on like this for a while.

When she first entered preschool, Rai met Akiyama Creme. In a matter of weeks, they would be best friends for life. Rai and Creme always stuck together in school. They eventually made it through elementary school, and started middle school. The two were still close friends.

At the age of fourteen, Rai got a job as a babysitter. Her first customer was Nagasaki Frosting. Due to Rai's super babysitting ability, she was and still is Frosting's designated babysitter.

By the time that Creme was already infused and working at the cafe, Rai was still normal, but rather confused on why her friend was busy all of the time. Rai started to get suspicious, and looked into the topic more. She was puzzled up until the Halloween event, where she made her debut, and where everything finally fell into place.

[edit] Current

Because of Creme's invatation, Rai went to the Hallowwen festival with her friend. She was surprised at how many different people Creme knew in a matter of a few weeks, but played along. Leading up to the night's event, Rai met her first and true love, Yosuke Shinya. Though it seemed as if he had no interest in her, Rai was still lovestruck.

Following that, a Mew Aqua appeared, and Rai finally figured out the truth. More then half of the people at the event were far from normal. She realized her friend's secret, and was very very confused. After much explaining by both Creme and Frosting, Rai eventually calmed down. She got used to it, and has even been somewhat of a help to the mews and Angeliques.

Much later on, Rai was returning from a babysitting job when another mew aqua appeared. The normal girl was caught in the midst of a battle, that ended to the alien's retrieving the mew aqua. Rai escaped the area as quickly as possible.

After a month or two passed, Rai won tickets to go on a cruise with the mews and Angeliques. She once again encountered Shinya there, and was surprised that he actually remembered her name. During the capture the flag event, Rai was put on a team with Amaya, Okashi, Thomas, and Maple.

[edit] Personality

Rai acts much similar to Uotani Arisa from Fruits Basket. She's tough, strong, and protective of her friends. She can be sarcastic sometimes, but knows when to calm down. Rai likes to tease people a lot, but has her own weakness: boys. Especially Shinya.

[edit] Relationships

[edit] Family

Tanaka Hisoka: Rai's caring and laid back father. He's very spontaneous.

Tanaka Sora: Rai's strict mother. She's the only reason why Rai plays the violin.

Tanaka Eiji: One of the two younger siblings that live to bug Rai...

Tanaka Iwao: But that's what brothers do, right?

[edit] Friends

[edit] Love Interest

Yosuke Shinya: Unlike most lovestruck girls, Rai isn't a crazy fan girl type. She's just contempt with herself, and doesn't make her crushes the only important thing in her life.

[edit] Profile

  • Name: Tanaka Rai
  • Name Meaning: Rai: meaning trust
  • Age: 14
  • Birthday: January 5th
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Eye Color: Greenish Brown
  • Height: 5 feet
  • Weight: 98 lbs.
  • Likes: Family and friends
  • Dislikes: Practicing piano
  • Talents: Piano
  • Favorite Foods: Mango flavored Pocky, dark chocolate, Salmon Oshizushi
  • Least Favorite Foods: None known
  • Blood Type: B

[edit] Trivia

  • Rai's name means trust
  • Rai's main colors are soft greens with black
  • If Rai was a Mew, she'd be Mew Pepper.
  • If Rai was an Angelique, she's have plant powers
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