
From Angeliquemew

(Redirected from Fudou Kuro-Meshi)
Kuro is represented by Kuga Jin from Kamichama Karin Chu

Kuro-Meshi is assumed to be a 15 year old half-alien/knight. He is played by Kira (Member)


[edit] History

[edit] Before

So, there isn't really anything known about Kuro before the RP. In fact, he seems to have not existed (Although, we may or may not find out more about this later).

[edit] After

Kuro, after being split from Fudou Meshi by Craneko Sucreko's Reborn Sugar Sweet Illusion attack, was forced to live with Meshi at Kira's house. He was forced to go on the cruise, although he seemed to enjoy it, because he met Momoiro-Lemonade William, Yoshida Yumeko, Wakamatsu Tayuya, and Ubuna Yasu. The Five of them went out and bothered other people on the cruise. They also played in the same Capture the Flag team - The Bubblegum Pink team.

[edit] Personality

Kuro could easily be described as the opposite of Meshi. This isn't completely accuate though. He's more accurately described as being quick to annoy, but normally calm. Although he's supposed to have an anger issue, he doesn't seem to. It takes a lot for him to actually consider someone to be his friend, though.

[edit] Relationships

[edit] Family

  • Fudou Meshi: His "Brother." The two are likely to be related by blood in some way, due to... Well, that'll be explained :)

The rest of Meshi's family could be considered to be Kuro's family, but due to unknown relations, it won't be listed.

[edit] Friends

All of the above were during the Cruise event.

[edit] Profile

  • Name: Fudou Kuro-Meshi
  • Nicknames (of sorts): Black Knight II, Self Proclaimed "Manifestation of Darkness"
  • Age: 15, Assumed
  • Birthday: April 19, Assumed
  • Grade: 10, Assumed
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Eye Color: Red
  • Height: 5 1/2 feet
  • Weight: ..........

[edit] Stupid Trivia

  • He is the only 'Neutral Knight'
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