Daimon Fructose

From Angeliquemew

(Redirected from Fructose)
Daimon Fructose is represented by Aria from Sister Princess

Daimon Fructose is a 13 year old Mew Mew. Fructose is played by Kira (Member). She is a member of the Sugar Three, and was the third Mew Sugar (Note the whole Sugar Three thing). She is also known as 'Mew Sugar III'


[edit] History

[edit] Before

Fructose's family is a less-known branch of a rich and decently well known family. She is aware of this fact, but not because her parents told her. Her parents almost never use the money that they have, and aren't in touch with the main part of the family - only the closer relatives. Fructose heard things about it through some of her cousins, and also through some people at her school.

For a while, Fructose just lived a normal life. You know, going to school, being sure to pass classes, etc. When she was infused, it all changed. She became much more Agile, but more importantly, gained the ability to turn into a cat girl and fight against the Repuren.

[edit] After

Nothing yet ^-^

[edit] Personality

Fructose, as her name may or may not suggest, is extremely hyper and cheerfull. She will sometimes add random words to the end of her sentances, and at other times say random things (Such as "Ooooh, Plaaaant...").

[edit] Relationships

[edit] Family

Fructose's family is, as stated, a less-known branch of a rich and decently well known family... On her mother's side. That said, most people don't know it through her last name.

[edit] Friends

Ito Okashi - Met at the Park

[edit] Lovelife

She hasn't done much. Nothign here yet.

[edit] Profile

  • Name: Fructose Daimon
  • Name Translation: Fructose is a type of Sugar. I have no idea what Daimon means.
  • Age: 13
  • Birthday: ...
  • Grade: 7th or 8th?
  • Hair Color: Purple (Human), Light Blue (Mew)
  • Eye Color: Pink (Human), Blue (Mew)
  • Height: 5 feet
  • Weight: ...
  • Likes: Sugar
  • Talents: ...?
  • Favorite Foods: Anything sweet
  • Least Favorite Foods: Sour foods
  • Blood Type: ...
  • Mew Mark: Unknown at the moment
  • Henshin Phrase: "Mew Mew Fructose, Metamorphosis!"
  • Animals: Clouded Leopard

[edit] Mew Stuffes

Mew Fructose

[edit] Weapon

Fructose's weapon is called the Sugared Lantern. It is light blue in color, and is based off of the Star-Heart Lamp [1] from World of Warcraft appearance-wise. The light inside of it never seems to burn out.

[edit] Attacks

[edit] Solo Attacks

[edit] Reborn Fructose Shine

Fructose holds the Lantern out in front of her. The light brightens, and gets to a level where it can blind opponents, or even extract Chimera Anima.

[edit] Reborn Fructose Flare

Fructose swings the Lantern out in front of her, releasing a fireball of sorts to attack target foe. It is a weak, fire-based attack.

[edit] Combo Attack: Reborn Sugar Heart Attack

As a member of the Sugar Three, Fructose, Satou, and Sucreko have a Three-Person Combo attack.

The Attack begins with the Sugared Lantern shedding much more light than it normally does (as a beam) straight towards the Sugared Mirror. Sucreko angles the Mirror so that it reflets the light onto the Sugar Chime. As the light collects around the Chime, the three girls call out the attack in unison. Once this is done, the collection of light stops, and the chime is shaken to allow a ring or two to form. From here, the light spreads in a circular formation. The attack extracts Chimera Anima in the area, possibly does minor damage to other repuren members, and also heals allies in the area (not fully, though).

[edit] Random Trivia

  • Fructose's name came from a username on Econtra (A RP on Livejournal - too lazy to link to it) for Daimon Suguru from Digimon Savers (Or Digimon Data Squad in the US version). The Username was Fructose_Dieu (I think?). Her name was originally going to be Fructose Dieu, but then I decided that it would be more fun to say ~Diu at the end of her sentances. So I made her last name be Daimon.
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