King Xavier

From Allandria

[edit] Xavier, King of Allandria

Xavier IV's crown

Race: Human?

Gender: Male?

Age: 51?

Class: ???

Alignment: ???

Birthplace: Castle Xavier, Allandria?

Affiliation: Allandria

Religion: ???

[edit] Description

It's not clear if anyone alive, save maybe his only child and heir Prince Donovan, has ever seen the face of the mysterious King of Allandria. He speaks boldly and directs his kingdom with determination and strategy, but always from the shadows. He is actually the fourth Xavier to have reigned in Allandria, but only in scrolls of history does anyone bother to call him "Xavier IV." Many rumors circulate about his strange and secretive character, but few dare voice them within the castle walls.

[edit] Quote

"Cast eyes upon this noble castle and the citizens of its kingom. These are what we strive to protect. May the gods bless our efforts, that we may rid the land of the curse of Deathwind!"

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