Zeus the angry god

From Adultswimaction

Heartless - " Sure, he was annoying at first and a prude... but I've come to love him, zeusy you seckkseeeh boyeeeeh <3"

When he first arrived on the boards Panda knew him as 'Blah's bitch'

The great Gatsby, bitch

Life Of An Angry Gawd

Zeus is one of the biggest flirts on the boards. In the beginning he used to annoy many users with his perveh tactics. Until Shikon29 invited him to a YIM conference his life was changed. Shikon had the class "Anatomy 101" and boy did he get a wake up call. =D Anyway, Zeus was banned for posting an inappropriate thread and still hates the mod that did that to this very day. He is now posting on Shuya_Nanahara. He is known for his awesome soccer skills, also. Probably the biggest soccer fanboy on the boards. Also, his nickname is totalleh Zeusy Poo.

Zeus' love life is quite an interesting topic. He is currently dating a GINA. Let us hope he does not get AIDS =)

Turn Offs

Zeus finds the following digusting:

  • Mustard
  • Tampons
  • Period Blood
  • PMS

Out of these things, mostly mustard.

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