All Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder

From Superdickery

Commonly known as ASBARTBW or the Goddamn Batman, this comic is best known for the phrase "I'm the goddamn Batman".

Batman in this series is signifgantly different from his conventional version. This one appears to have murdered police officers with the Batmobile, swears almost constantly, and kidnapped a young Dick Grayson, Age 12 shortly after the death of his parents. The character has much in common with other characters written by Frank Miller.

The fan reaction has been mixed at best. Some have very openly conveyed their displeasure with the book, and have suggested that Miller is Batshit fucking loco. Others like the story and the dark gritty style and Miller-esque touches to it. Others still find it too hilarious to pass up. A number of members of the Superdickery forums are the latter of these choices.

Despite the series's existence for over half a year, only three issues have been made. The reason for this is generally believed to be because Jim Lee, the artist of the book, is slow as hell.

Issue 4 has since come out, but it is unknown when the next issue will be made. But at least All-Star Superman kicks 8 types of ass.

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