Techniques Learned

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[edit] Xiaolin Showdown

[edit] Xaiolin Arts

  • Dragon X-Kumei Formation — Learned during Xiaolin Apprentice level.
  • Wudai Orion Formation — like Dragon X-Kumei, but they appear in a monochromic color with colored outlines. Learned during Wudai Warrior level.
  • The Monks and The Color of their Outlines :
    • Omi — blue
    • Kimiko — red
    • Raimundo — white
    • Clay — green
    • In Dragon X-Kumei, Raimundo's color is white, and Omi's is blue, they switched in Wudai Orion.
  • Wudai Iron Palm — A combined Wudai attack that has only been used once. The details of this attack are very vague, but it seems that this technique increases their power and strength to the point that they can break rocks with their bare hands.
    • Omi's Moves: Water, Tornado Strike, Monkey Strike, Tsunami Strike and Wudai Neptune — Water, Ice,Steam (Omi has also learned the very powerful attack, "Heylin Power - Tsunami Water Blade -- Ice" while on the Heylin side)

In 'The Emperor Scorpion Strikes Back', Omi does the 'Monkey Strike' against The Fearsome Four.

    • Kimiko's Moves: Fire, Judalette Flip, Wudai Fire Shield and Wudai Mars — Fire
    • Raimundo's Moves: Wind, Typhoon Boom, Typhoon Boom Wind, Wudai Star — Wind.
    • Clay's Moves: Earth, Seismic Kick and Wudai Crater — Earth.

It is also noted that during the episode Wu Got The Power, Omi temporarily learned the Wudai Crater - Earth, Wudai Star - Wind, and Wudai Mars - Fire techniques, while using the Longhorn Taurus, Crest of the Condor, and Cat's Eye Draco, respectively. Doing this caused him to have a surplus of elemental energy, which was worn down later in the episode. Omi now only retains his Water techniques.

It is assumed that anybody using one of the Elemental Shen Gong Wu is capable of using its respective Wudai Technique, though this has not been confirmed, as Omi is the only warrior to date who has worn one other than his own, the Kaijin Charm.

[edit] Other Techniques

These are fighting techniques, used mostly by Chase Young and Omi. They're fictional spoofs of real kung-fu attacks.

    • Repel the Beast
    • Monkey Strike
    • Repulse the Monkey
    • Tiger Instinct, Roaring Phoenix
    • Monkey reading Shakespeare
    • Spider doing Hokey-Pokey
    • Sparrow eating Hotdog
    • Grasshopper doing Dog Paddle
    • Dogs playing roulette
    • Duck eating Crackers
    • Horse drinking Water
    • Cat playing Fiddle
    • Fox stomping Grapes
    • Rooster frying Eggs
    • Monkey painting House
    • Viper Strike, Cougar Strike
    • Mole attacking Ox
    • Butterfly fools moth on cyprus tree
    • Mantis Kick
    • Dogs playing Poker
    • Pig eating Sausages
    • Goat Churning Butter
    • Flying monkey strike
    • Chimpanzee shot

[edit] Monks and their Wudai Weapons

  • Omi — Shimo Staff, a staff which changes into other weapons at will.
  • Kimiko — Arrow Sparrow, a purse like object which carries metal, flamming sparrows that can be thrown and will blow up in a fiery explosion.
  • Raimundo — Blade of the Nebula, a blue, jagged version of the Sword Of The Storm which turn into powerful nunchucks and can be used to throw the opponent around. Also used to make Raimundo fly by creating a tornado.
  • Clay — Big Bang Meteorang, a bronze boomerang so extremely powerful it is able to cut through anything. Also capable of multiplying for multiple attacks.

[edit] Forehead Dots

Several characters are seen with having mysterious dots on their forehead. Omi has nine white dots, in three rows of three. Master Monk Guan has six, two rows of three standing on the width; his are yellow. One of the monks in the Xiaolin Temple had the same pattern as Master Monk Guan, as seen in the episode with the Sapphire Dragon. When Master Monk Guan showed Omi the scroll that showed a large shadow along with a goat-demon enslaving Chase Young to evil, the shadow had four dots as a square in his debut.

Omi also has three rows of three red dots balancing on a corner, when he turned evil and left behind his good chi in the Yin-Yang world, they became a diamond shape. When Omi turned into a cat the essence of Omi made Chase Young stronger, that's how he got his dots. But when the Xiaolin warriors defeated him in the showdown, Omi got his dots back and Chase Young lost his.

In the series, these dots that appear on the aforementioned characters have never been explained. However, they are most likely the representing of a warrior's chi, but only the most powerfull warriors (or only the warriors destiend for greatness) will have these dots.

Four is considered an unlucky number in Chinese culture because the Mandarin word for four sounds like the word for death. Continuing with this numerological interpretation, the Mandarin word for three sounds like the word for life. Also, to a Buddhist monk three represents the Three Jewels.

But in the episode "The Dream Stalker" the dots seemed to be able to sense the coming of danger and a creature. And in the Showdown of the monks vs. the Fearsome Four, the dots are seen to give off light, since the showdown was in darkness the Four easily found Omi, and he needed to wear Clay's hat to hide himself.

[edit] Woo Foo

Powers of Team Lyoko in New lyoko

[edit] Ailita

  • Yin Blizzard
  • Yinimize
  • Yinvisibility
  • Slumber Spell
  • Transfoomation (Evolved to Coop-a-Flauge)
  • Golden Aura
  • 1,000 Points of Light
  • Tidal Terrence Wave
  • Yincinerator
  • Fooluminate

[edit] Odd

  • Yangdoken
  • GarYangtuan
  • Chuks
  • E-cooperate
  • Power Punch
  • Fooportation

[edit] Urich

  • Yangarang
  • Terrence Termination
  • Foo Chakas
  • Paws of Power

[edit] Yumi

  • Foonado
  • Energy Lasso
  • Fists of Fire
  • Firenado
  • Aura

[edit] William

  • Foo Field
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