NFF/TS/Try to land a Rasengan on Kakashi

From Create Your Own Story

As soon as you heard Kakashi's first word you prepared a Rasengan just like your father, the Fourth Hokage, taught you. No hand signs, no gathering and dividing your chakra into equal proportions, no this was an entirely different league. You had to hold a continuous stream of chakra in the palm of your hand, maintain it then create the spiralling circular orb shape with it, even as you did that though you had to remember to keep the exterior shell of the Rasengan strong and smooth enough so that you could gather more chakra into it.

You were ready as Kakashi finished his question and spun on the spot outstretching your hand with Rasengan extended hoping to land a hit on your sensei. It was so close but at the last moment Kakashi disappeared and instead of hitting him your Rasengan hit the tree that he was in front of. It only took a second for the tree to begin disintergrating but you maintained your balance of chakra and stopped pushing forwards so that when your jutsu was finished you left a circular dent in the side of the tree going to the core with a perfect spiral patterned into the wood. Another sound came to your ears but you couldn't even turn around before you felt a solid blow to the back of your neck and the world went dark.

NFF/TS/When you wake up you are tied to a pole next to Naruto while Sasuke and Sakura sit on the ground either side

NFF/TS/When you wake you are lying face down exactly where you were but its now completely dark out

NFF/TS/You somehow managed to use the Flying Thunder God Technique but the last mark you placed was at the poles at the entrance to the training field

Health 90 Equipment:

Iron and crystal Katana; Rabbit meat

MP 120
Level Namekazi
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