Let the octopus lift you out of the water

From Create Your Own Story

The octopus raises you up and deposits you on the deck of the ship, where three dozen pirates are waiting for you. The octopus climbs up after you. The captain walks up to you while it's unwrapping its tentacles from you. You put one arm over your breasts, but it's hardly worth the effort to hide yourself from the pirates' lust-filled eyes.

"Welcome aboard the Helena Louise," the captain says.

His teeth could use some dental work and he probably hasn't bathed in anything but sea spray in some time, but he's not bad looking. Not bad looking at all.

"I asked my pet there to bring us some pussy," the captain says. "Looks like he brought us a nice one... although since there's only one of you, we'll have to share."

The pirates all laugh.

Do you:

Health Horny and Hormonal Location:

Pirate Ship Helena Louise

MP 0
Level 1
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