Girl Scout Cookies/Hand 4f - Go for the flush

From Create Your Own Story

“I’ll take two cards,” you say, keeping the three hearts.

“I don’t need any,” Lin says with a smile. “I’ve got this hand taken care of.”

“Well, my hand still needs help, so I’ll draw three,” responds Claire. She gathers up the discards and deals out the replacements.

Lin can’t wait to show off her hand, “A straight,” she announces. “No undressing for me!”

“Maybe we’ll both have flushes,” Claire responds. She glances at her hand and then says, “Maybe not. A pair of eights,” she reveals.

You look at your cards, hoping to see some more hearts, but the two and ten you see don’t disappoint. “Two pair for me,” you display. “Tens and twos. Your turn again, Claire.”

“You just got lucky,” Claire declares. She stands up and unfastens the clasp holding her skirt in place. As Claire slowly turns around, she unwraps the skirt revealing a pair of thin, pink panties. She finishes, holding her arms out sideways, giving you a full view of her curvy figure. “Ta da!” she says before dropping the skirt on her blouse and sitting back down on the floor.

“Show’s over,” Claire says to you. “It’s your turn to deal.”

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