Don't drink the water

From Create Your Own Story

You refuse to drink the water and so you sit in silence for the rest of the ride. When you arrive arrive at your destination you are blindfolded and have the sudden sensation of being carried. You jump from youyr heightened position and you try and run but your arm is quickly and forcefully grabbed. You are thrown to the ground, still blind. Another man grabs your arm and they lead you to what felt like a gravel driveway, up steps and then through a door. You can hear the creak of anpother door and suddenly, four hands push your back and your aireborne. You land on the hard dirt ground now winded. At least the b;lindfold came off. It didn't matter anyway it was pitch black. You, even through the darkness can tell there's a small window that's reachable. You could bust out or you could wait for help. Do you:

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