
From Create Your Own Story

Aurora grows somber, her usual bliss slightly dampened.

"I...A few years back, there was an uprising. The evil characters had grown greedy, They were tired of being the losers in everything, so they decided that they would take over the parks. The good characters banded together to fight. The princesses helped where we could, but the main physical fights were left to the men. In the end, it looked like the evil characters were going to win. So, the princes and heroes, all the men, banded together and gave their power to Mickey, who used it to set the evil characters back into their place. We all watched as our loved ones, all the male heroes except Mickey and a few others, faded away."


"No...not quite. Character's cannot fully die. They fade away when they are mortally wounded, lose all their life force, or are forgotten. Until their character is Revised or someone fills their Role, they remain faded. A few have returned, but the majority, especially the very old or very new characters, are still faded out. The villains are still here, however, and while weak, they still have considerable power. I believe you may be a turning factor. If you can fight back the evil characters, you can be our hero."

"I...I will."

"Great. Now, each Hero has a Nemesis they fight. Mine is Malefi-" She's cut off by evil laughter, ringing in the room. You jump up at the ready. A woman you recognize as Maleficent stands in the corner of the room.

"Hello, mortal fools. Prepare to die!" She screeches, pulling an arm back to throw a fireball. You dive out of the way. Princess Aurora yells at you, "I've given you the ability to summon Excalibur! Try it!" Given everything else going on, you don't question it. Rather, you will for the sword to appear, and sure enough, it appears sparkling in your hand. You leap at Maleficent, swinging the sword. You land a swipe on her arm, but ti doesn't bleed, she just seems hurt. You figure this is part of being a character. You continue hacking, and back her up against a window. Surprising you, she leaps out. Realizing you have no idea where it leads, or where you are, for that matter, you stick your head outside. You're in Cinderella's Castle. THE CASTLE. You don't have much time to revel in this fact though, as a giant, scaly hand grabs you by the shoulders, and another hand grabs Aurora from inside. You are both lifted up, high above the Castle, by Maleficent, now in dragon form. You scream to Aurora, "HOW CAN NO ONE SEE THIS?!?"

"I told you, we are invisible, and so are you, while you interact with us!"

Great. Maleficent roars loudly, then tosses you up above her. She almost seems to grin as you begin your fall. You are angry. You summon Excalibur once more, and throw it at the dragon. It almost glows with your fury as it plunges into her chest, ad exits the other side. Maleficent roars, and turns back to human. You're surprised to see that she isn't dead, or faded, as Aurora said. She is hurt though, and seems out of powers. A flow of crows come and carry her off. Now that she's gone, you decide to deal with he fact that you and Aurora were in a free fall about 4oo feet above the hard, unforgiving ground. As you are about to accept that you were going to die a pancake, a white flash comes by, and catches you and Aurora. It's Pegasus, from Hercules! He carries you and Aurora back to the castle window, and sets you down.


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