Celebrating at the bar with my agent, getting hammered

From Create Your Own Story

When you say you were getting hammered, you mean sledgehammered..

You somehow almost smile to yourself under the tape over your mouth. You were at the bar with Michael Poole, renowned B-list agent. The man who had tried to put you to the top in all things but had only managed to get you on top in sleazy independent films in the past. But that was the past, maybe he was going to pull things around for you. Ma-

Steady footsteps come down an unseen stairway and rustling comes from some distant room, the steady sound of the traffic outside still raging

Why are you tied and bound in a dark room? You shake violently against your bindings and feel your wrists chaff. You scream as many obscenities as you can think of which are only partially muffled.

The footsteps quicken, and for a quick instant you see a pale skinned blonde man with aviator glasses shut the door showing its way to the hallway.

You panic and realize that you did in fact see that man earlier today. He had been arguing with your agent. Was he the one he had gotten the cocaine from?

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