AOTC: Lie and say your starship was malfunctioning and never made the trip.

From Create Your Own Story

You try to make a tortured face for Obi-Wan. "My plasma recycler malfunctioned before I could make the jump to hyperspace, I never got to Naboo... Is Padme alright?!"

Obi-Wan looks at you strangely, confused by your words. "Your plasma recycler? But your constantly working on that ship, how could you have not noticed something like that?"

You curse him inside, realizing it will be hard to pull this bluff with your old master. You summon some half tears and turn from him, faking anguish.

"These things happen, Obi-Wan... but please I need to go find out what I can about this horrible attack!"

With that you flee from the hanger leaving Obi-Wan with a frown and a mind full of questions.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Anakin Skywalker
Attack of the Clones

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