25 (IE/BF) -- Turn out the lights and let Sean fall asleep lying against you as you hold him

From Create Your Own Story

You nestle Sean's body against yours, wrapping your arms gently around him. His muscles relax as his head settles against your chest, and his eyes close. He looks so cute and adorable like that. You let your own eyes shut as Sean fades out.

You feel Sean stir some time later, and he heads for the washroom for his morning routine. When he returns, you do the same. You wrap your arms around him as you rejoin him on the bed, and he smiles as you cradle him.

"You're adorkable," you whisper, and he blushes. He lightly kisses your neck. You shiver and hold him closer.

"You... like?" he murmurs. You've never seen anyone less confident in his ability to make a woman happy. The irony is that he's actually pretty good at it. You respond by slipping your hand downwards and teasing his pole with your fingertips. He trembles and lets out a soft moan.

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