YWD: Run out of the building in search of your clothes?

From Create Your Own Story

You struggle to your feet and jump out of the manure, with Daphne following close behind you. However when you get outside, you do not see whoever took your clothes. You guess at a direction, and find yourself running into the main farmyard, where clusters of kids, the farmer, and a bunch of farmhands have gathered for lunch. You and Daphne skid to a halt as all eyes turn to stare at you. Behind you, some other kids seal off your escape route. Then the farmer roars at you with anger and orders one of his farmhands to fetch a hose to wash you clean. In front of all your classmates, you and Daphne are hosed down as you squeal in embarrassment and your classmates laugh like hyenas. By the time the hoses are turned off, the farmer has been up to Daphne's bedroom and returned with towels and fresh clothes. He makes you get dry and dressed then and there, much to your continued humiliation. For the rest of the day, he insists on accompanying you to make sure you don't get into any more trouble. You and Daphne are both rather subdued as the bus takes you back to school, but you take comfort from the fact that both your cunt and Daphne's are still crammed full of horse manure. You giggle about this with Daphne and the two of you promise to share many more adventures together.


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