Walk right past the strangers and go to the library

From Create Your Own Story

On the way there, you suddenly hear the sound you'd been trained to react to since young. The Jedi Alarm. You turn hastily and recall the rhyme you've learnt since young.

If the Jedi Alarm truly does sound,

Go below the statues of the crowned,

But when you grow and are indeed older,

Do fight with a heart like a boulder.


Go look under the statues of the royalty.

Go find a weapon somewhere.

While you're stalling for so long, not choosing an option, a man rushes up to you with a desperate look on his face approaches you. His uniform labels him as a R2 Class Astromech Droid (Jet) Flyer. "I give UP!" he says, thrusting keys at you.

You could take the keys to the R2 Class Astromech Droid (Jet) Flyer.

Or you could stand around and effectively Kill yourself.

Health 100 Equipment:


MP 5
Level 1
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