WAS: Try to cut off one of his hands

From Create Your Own Story

You charge him; the monster raises his claw to strike you down. The troll strikes against you head, but you swing at his hand. Your sword cuts into his wrist almost separating his hand from the rest of his body. He falls to the ground wobbling in pain. Dark red, thick blood flows from his wrist. You take another swing, this time at his thigh; another cut opens up spilling out the same dark red blood that emerged from the wrist cut.

These creatures are hard to kill; you put all your power into the swing at his wrist, yet it did not sever. Luckily he seems to be stunned by the pain; these creatures must be unaccustomed to pain so they are shocked when it hits them. You raise you sword just above his head to end this foul creature’s existence. There is genuine fear in his eyes, he raises his good hand at you meekly and says.

“Wait, please do not kill me!” His voice is like that of no human. Its sounded likes something completely alien, like the shrieking sound from a tortured soul. For a moment you believe that your mind has snapped so you hold still, confusing the creature of your intent.

“I can lead you to the humans, don’t kill me!” Again you hear that unbelievable voice; you must decide what to do quickly.

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