Unhelpful Hand - Camp Skylight (Chapter 1.2)

From Create Your Own Story

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Despite you notice her struggling, you think that you should just keep letting her doing her job since she may already be pissed. After a few more seconds, it seems like she managed to bandage your wound. However, she won't let go of your head so quickly.

Emilia: Not so fast boy, you still need your lolly for being such a good boy.

She moves her hand from behind your back to your cheek. After quickly looking behind her for movement, she gazes back to you and moves her head towards you. With another hand, she lays it on top of your hard one. With her lips meeting yours, she kissed you for ten seconds while fondling her hand around your hard bulge.

Right after that, you both hear something fall. That must be the principal! Emilia immediately removes her hands and backs away from your face. Instead, she grabs a photo from her desk and shows it to you. It's a picture of a severe wound, which looks like it's infected. It's so disgusting that you almost had to puke. You also notice that your boner fades away. You're pretty sure Emilia showed you this to reduce your boner. She's not only beautiful, but also smart. Nice

???: What's the meaning of this hesitation?

An unfamiliar voice rings your ears. While looking to the right of you, you see a woman standing next to her, being CĂ©line.

Emilia: He's all yours principal. His wound got bandaged.

???: Well, if his wound is stable already, I guess he can come with me.

Emilia grabs your body and pushes you forward a little. It seems pretty obligated that you have to do as she says. Despite her looks, she really doesn't seem like a strict woman. You also can't deny that everyone looks pretty young for their roles. You wonder how old they actually are. For now you should follow the two women to wherever they take you.

End of Chapter 1.1


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