Treat Kerri to dinner at Le Cafe Ritz, the most expensive restaurant in town. They have excellent escargot there you love...

From Create Your Own Story

You and Kerri get in the back of your chauffered limo. After a pleasant snuggle/makeout session en route, you arrive at Le Cafe Ritz. "I never dreamed I would ever be able to afford to eat here," Kerri gasps when she sees your destination.

"In that case, why don't you let me order for us?" you smile. Kerri nods happily and you find yourself in a luxurious booth.

"These are good," Kerri says contentedly as she eats escargot for the first time. "What is this stuff?"

"Snails," you reply, chowing down on your own platter of escargot. "With herbs and spices."

"Who'd have thunk it?" Kerri's eyes widen. "I'd never have guessed."

Caviar, pate de foie gras, and a luscious, light cream-puff dessert follow. Kerri is positively beaming as you leave the cafe. "What'd you think?" you ask teasingly.

"Magnificent," Kerri giggles. "But unless you treat, I won't be back. I can't exactly afford to spend $400 on a dinner."

"It does cater to the rich," you grin. 30 minutes later, you're both naked and lying on your luxurious bed.

"We need to celebrate tonight," Kerri husks as she kisses your neck.

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Snotty girl
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