Terrible Accessibility (With Starlight) - Camp Skylight (Chapter 1.7)

From Create Your Own Story

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  • You: Don't worry too much about it Asuna. It is known that accessibility towards the camp is terrible, so they would not blame you for you coming late.

The dazzling tears in Asuna's eyes that she created out of fear fade away due to her wiping them away with her hand. Her slowly encouraging face makes it clear that your help really helps her, and that this excuse would probably be valid.

  • Asuna: You're... really making sense there. It is true, my bus arrived very late, so can I really be pardoned because of that you think?
  • You: Definitely! I have not told you how I arrived here, but that is a story for another time.

Once again, Asuna creates tears in her eyes. Although this time they aren't out of fear. They are out of relief and happiness. The orange-haired girl closes her eyes to get rid of her tears, and then she runs at you whilst spreading her arms. She embraces your body while she lays her head behind your shoulder.

  • Asuna: Thank you so much Keith... if you hadn't made that point clear I would still be full of fear...

As a response to Asuna's comment, you move one of your hands towards her head and you caress it slowly while you hug her back. After a couple of seconds, Asuna lets go of you and she goes to the door again. She now grabs the door knob firmly with, while Asuna feels the courage flow through her veins. You can also see her courage flow in the reflection of her eyes. With a more confident voice which you haven't heard yet, she now calls out for you.

  • Asuna: Keith, will you follow me inside?

With that said, Asuna's tone and eyes transition to a more comfortable and welcoming variant.

  • Asuna: I believe you will be my lucky charm..

Even though you're still not entirely conscious from your awakening a couple of minutes ago, you feel like you can greatly improve your relation with Asuna if you help her out.

What will you say?

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