Oldschool Classroom - Camp Skylight (Chapter 1.5)

From Create Your Own Story

Previous Choice

With curiosity in your mind about whether someone's in the old classroom or not, you decide to head for that place without a second thought. You close the door of your dorm real quick, and you head for the classroom.

Once you arrive at the classroom a couple of minutes later, you can see Aria! Out of all the people, you assumed she would be here due to how tired she was before. Aria notices your arrival, and seems quite surprised by it.

  • Aria: Oh Keith! I did not expect you to come here by your own. You got your dorm keys right?
  • You: I sure do. The dorm itself still looks boring because I have not decorated it yet, but other than that it's a fine looking dorm!
  • Aria: Hahah, great to hear. I was about to go there anyway to get you, since our lunch will be starting...

Right after that, a loud bell could be heard. You're pretty sure that that is the sign of the upcoming lunch. Aria seems satisfied with the loud sound. You assume that she predicted the timing she would give you the time of the lunch.

Aria: Neato, follow me Keith! We're going to the cafeteria.

With no response, you follow Aria as she already walks out of the classroom. Not even a minute later, you both arrive at the entrance of the cafeteria. And as soon as you arrive, you can't believe your eyes. It seems that all the students are here already...

End of Chapter 1.5

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