Mos/Well...I'll pretend to give up, then I'll break inside the school again!

From Create Your Own Story

"Okay..." you sadly say, internally plotting a new intrusion route. The man seems satisfied with your answer and just sighs before walking away. You make sure he's out of sight before you jump into a bush.

You ponder your options for a few moments before deciding to just climb up the tallest tree nearest to Yumenosaki. You quickly run from the bush to that same tree. You enter the school's interior from the tree to an open window on a high floor. Don't underestimate the passion of a crazy fan, you think to yourself. Luckily, you're not caught in the process.

The inside of the school is as beautiful as its exterior, so you can't help but stare in admiration again. You snap out of your awe and try to focus on finding your idol's classroom. You could probably find something of his on his desk!

You head for the...

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