Hold Hands - Camp Skylight (Chapter 1.3)

From Create Your Own Story

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If you would remove her hand, she probably would feel bad about it. If you wouldn't do anything and just let her caress your cheek, it would look awkward for you both. So you put a hand on her head, and this results in the girl blushing. The girls standing on front of you find it strange what the girl next to you is doing, so they pretend like she always does that.

???: Soo, the vice principal said you're called Keith right?

You nod in response to the brunette's question. In return, you hope she also gives her name.

???: That's one beautiful name for a tough looking guy. My name is Grace, nice to meet you!

???: And I am Cynthia. Pleasure to meet you as well!

The girl that is still petting your head, also introduces herself really quick.

???: I'm Starlight. Truly good to meet you Keith!

Now that the three beautiful girls have introduced each other, there is still a girl who hasn't. Maybe she is just shy?

???: Oh sorry, I am Aria. I doozed off, forgive me!

Hopefully you can keep remembering all of the girl's names. Since you suck at names, you have to come up with mnemonics or another way to keep remembering the names. As far as you are concerned, these are the girls you currently know:

  • - Aria, the blue-eyed brunette
  • - Cynthia, the dark blue-eyed blondine
  • - Grace, the green-eyed brunette
  • - Starlight, the yellow-eyed brunette.

It may be a good idea to write down everyone's names at some point, including their appearances, if you want to select someone as possible girlfriend or anything. Since there should be way more girls at camp, you assume that the groups are split for now in order to maintain the order in each room. Starlight eventually stopped stroking your head, because it would look pretty awkward by now for her. She sits back on her seat, and you steal the seat the other girl had who left the classroom with Céline. Out of all the girls in here, Cynthia is the girl who pays the most attention to your head wound. It may be that she finds it very interesting.

Cynthia: By the way Keith, how did you get that wound?

Just like with the principal and Céline, you wonder if these girls would believe you if you told them the truth. It would not surprise you if Cynthia would believe you, since she already seems very interested. If the other girls would believe you, is something you won't know until you say something.

What will you tell the girls?

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