Girl Scout Cookies/Hand 6k - Keep the diamonds

From Create Your Own Story

“I’ll take one card,” you say, “and a chance to see what’s under your blouse.”

“I can give you the card, but I can’t help you with the rest. I also need just one card.”

You look at your card and see another diamond. “I’ve got a flush,” you announce.

“I’ve only got two pair,” Lin says.

“You can help with the rest after all,” you say.

“That’s not nice,” Lin says to you. Tentatively, Lin reaches down to her waist and unclips the fastener on her skirt. Then she pulls it off, revealing a pair of plain white panties. She is still sitting with her knees together, so you can’t see much. Still, sitting between one naked girl and another dressed only in panties is a delightful feeling.

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