Girl Scout Cookies/Hand 5i - Go for the straight flush

From Create Your Own Story

You don’t get a chance for a straight flush all of the time. “One card for me,” you say as you deal out the replacements.

Claire looks at her new cards. “Bah,” she says with frustration. “Lousy cards. All I have is a pair of twos.”

“The cards are lucky to me,” Lin replies. “I’ve got three queens.”

You flip over your card and are disappointed to find that not only is it not a diamond, but it doesn’t give you either a pair of a straight. “You’re right, Claire. These are lousy cards.”

Claire sighs with relief. “Your turn,” she says. Her gesture towards your pants causes her tits to sway delightfully.

“Well, here you go, girls,” you say as you stand up, undo your pants and slide them down. Claire’s body has kept your cock quite hard and your briefs don’t do much to conceal it. Claire looks openly at it, seemingly impressed by its size. You even catch Lin stealing glances.

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