Girl Scout Cookies/Hand 5f - Keep the fours and the ace

From Create Your Own Story

“I only need two,” you say, as you distribute new cards to everyone.

“Good cards… good cards…” you hear Claire murmur to herself. She quickly grabs each card as you deal them out. The disappointed look on her face tells you that none of them helped out her hand. “Well, at least I have a pair of tens,” she says.

Lin frowns hearing this. “I’ve only got nines,” Lin sulks.

You take a peek at your new cards. Neither card helps you. “Just a pair of fours,” you say, turning over your cards.

“That means we win!” Claire shouts. “Okay, let’s see the loser’s dance.” You stand up and peel off your underwear. Your cock is still at attention from enjoying the sights of Claire’s body.

“Since we still have five pieces of clothing on, you owe us for 15 boxes of cookies,” Claire figures.

Lin takes your money while Claire gets dressed. “Any chance we could play another game?” you ask hopefully.

“Nope, you had your chance,” Claire responds. “But it was fun. I hope you enjoy your cookies.”


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