Girl Scout Cookies/Hand 4d - Go for the straight

From Create Your Own Story

Drawing one card is easier than two, so you keep your four card straight and hope for a queen. “One card please,” you say.

“Three for me,” Lin says with confidence.

Claire also quickly says, “And two for me.” She tosses her discards aside and deals out everyone’s replacements.

You peek at the cards you were dealt: the queen of clubs! “I’ve got a straight,” you announce triumphantly.

The crestfallen looks on the girls’ faces indicate that you have them beat. Lin is the first to recover saying, “Well, I’ve got two nines.”

“Three sixes,” Claire says. “I suppose it’s only fair that you get to see a bit of both of us before we beat you.”

Lin has a worried look on her face as her gaze goes back and forth between her cards and the other hands.

“Come on, Lin,” Claire says. “It’s not a big deal. See?” Claire thrusts her chest forward, showing off her body.

“But…” Lin stammers. “I’m not…” You’d guessed that Lin isn’t wearing anything under her blouse.

“Don’t worry about it,” Claire replies.

“Easy for you to say,” Lin says back, sighing. Her hands move to the buttons on her blouse and she quietly slips it off her body. Her hands move around front, trying to cover up her petite tits.

Your eyes go back and forth between the girls’ chests admiring the view as you gather the cards up for the next hand.

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