Girl Scout Cookies/Hand 4a - Go for the flush

From Create Your Own Story

“I’ll take two cards,” you say, keeping your three spades and hoping for a straight.

“Three for me,” Lin says, tossing her cards out while keeping her body covered.

Claire fusses quite a bit over her hand before deciding which three cards she is going to discard. Then she deals out everyone’s replacements. You look down at your new cards: the jack and ace of spades! “I’ve got a flush,” you announce triumphantly.

The crestfallen looks on the girls’ faces indicate that you have them beat. Lin is the first to recover saying, “At least I have queens.”

“It must be my lucky day then,” Claire smiles, laying her hand down. “I drew a pair of kings.”

Lin gasps when she sees Claire’s hands. “Um… me again?” she asks quietly. “Why did I let you talk me into this, Claire?” Tentatively, Lin reaches down to her waist and unclips the fastener on her skirt. Then she pulls it off, revealing a pair of plain white panties. She is still sitting with her knees together, so you can’t see much.

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