Furry World/Male Raccoon/Tunnel 2-1

From Create Your Own Story

"Let's go forward," you say. "There might be a lake in there, and where there's a lake, there's almost always a treasure chest." Tara nods to you, and you both head to the tunnel entrance. It's very dark - you can't see more than a few feet inside, and the drip seems to be coming from a ways away.

Tara steps alongside you. "Allow me," she says, holding out her staff and closing her eyes in concentration. In a few seconds, she starts to glow a brighter blue, illuminating the area around you without calling a lot of attention to herself. That's such a cool ability, you think to yourself.

You take the lead and step into the tunnel. You keep a keen eye and ear out for any traps as you walk along, feeling the uneven, rocky ground beneath your feet. As you approach the source of the dripping sound, the walls and floor start to become moist, the air growing humid, and before much longer, the rocks become slippery with moss. You slow down and step carefully, Tara's glow only revealing so much.

Suddenly, your foot slips on a loose rock, causing you to fall. You reach out to grab onto something, anything, to slow your fall. As it turns out, you grabbed a corner of Tara's mini-cloak, pulling her down with you. You both hit the ground and begin to slide down a short but steep slope, landing in a large underground cavern. The place is surprisingly well lit, with luminous stones and glowing mushroom caps scattered around the walls and edges of the mostly circular chamber.

Tara gasps as she gets up. "Wow, it's beautiful!"

You just sit there for a moment, regaining your composure. "I've never seen anything like it." You look around for a moment, taking in the strange but wonderful sight, then you remember your mission and get up so you can take a closer look around.

There is a lake here, off to one side of the cavern, large and deep enough to qualify as a lake and not just a pond. You think you can see something in it. On the other side of it is a very large flower, looking like a rafflesia, that seems oddly out of place here. Perhaps it's a fake flower, designed to hold treasure while making intruders think it's just a plant. And off to one side is another tunnel, with nothing visible more than a few feet in.

You turn back to the way you came in. That slope is steep, though it's only about fifteen feet tall, so you'd think you could just climb it. But those rocks look really slippery. Getting out of here is likely to be a real challenge. You turn to Tara. "Any ideas on how we're going to get out of here?"

Tara nods. "I have a spell that I can use to levitate us back into that tunnel, but it's extremely expensive. I know I'm going to be exhausted, so that'll be it for me if we do it. Might as well explore here first."

You smile. "Exactly what I was thinking. Don't worry, Magicka, I'll take care of you if you faint." Tara sticks her tongue out at you and turns back toward the room.

What do you do next?

Furry Status (Shadow)
Health 100 Equipment:


Gender Male
Species Raccoon

Furry Status (Tara)
Health 100 Equipment:

Wood staff

Gender Female
Species Cat
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