Did you say booze and weed? Hell yes, you can stay!

From Create Your Own Story

"Did you say booze and weed? Hell yes, you can stay!"

The two of you get so high that when Matticus notices the dead cat, he just emanates a snort of laughter and shrugs it off. You repress your memories of the murder.

The next day after Matticus leaves, Joojoo appears at your door. "You know why I ran away? Because you gave me a disrespectful name, you anti-Semitic pig!"

Motivated by guilt over your suppressed memories, you become the champion of the Cat Rights Movement. Because of your efforts in engaging the human community, cats and humans are granted equal rights, and cats can now choose their own names. Joojoo adopts the name Television.

You and Television live happily ever after.


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