D&D: Place the blade at his throat, calling victory and redressing

From Create Your Own Story

Calling victory, you lift your blade away from the heathen and lift your leathers over your body-wrapping the straps over your small chest, and the last few wraps over the Deerskin before you tie it. Hansel's beginning recovery reveals a rage as his vision clears, looking to you while you approach the fighter's seats again, taking the loser's cure potion, you drink it yourself-no one seems to object save for the dwarf issuing a few colorful phrases about your missed opportunity as a whoremonger slaying slut, Andin speaking to silence him while shoving the half-orc away. Hansel hobbles towards your gathering in hate.

Andin observes you with concern "Are you well, milady?" He seems quite genuine; up behind him the orcish brute appraises the gathering as if ready to make another challenge.

D&D: Issue a challenge before Dagul has a chance

D&D: Talk with Andin while the next challenge is issued

D&D: You've had enough here, find something else to do

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