Curiosity - Camp Skylight (Chapter 1.4)

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Sadly, your sense of curiosity is huger than anyone can imagine and you decide to follow the unknown girl and Starlight. Besides, you feel like you're the cause of the girl starting to freak out so you want to apologize, even though you wouldn't know what for.

You follow the two girls all the way outside, in front of the dorm site. It seems like Starlight is talking to the girl, who has already calmed down a bit from her sudden shock. Eventually, the two girls hug and they see you approach. With a disturbed look on the girl's face again, you're unsure whether your choice was a good one or not. You approach the two anyways, despite the circumstances and Starlight's warning.

  • Starlight: Keith I told you not to follow me!
  • You: Sorry I could not help it. I felt like it was my fault and I wanted to apologize.
  • Starlight: I told you that it had nothing to do with y..
  • ???: Don't worry Star, it's alright. He couldn't know.

The girl suddenly speaks up. She takes a step forward, finding the courage to talk to you.

  • ???: I'm sorry for my friend talking to you like that, she's just very protective and caring. I'm Kate, nice to meet you.
  • You: I'm Keith, good to meet you too!

While Starlight is in the background, kind of vague about the situation, Kate becomes more gentle towards you as the two of you have just met.

Kate: Sorry for letting you feel like it was your fault. Truth is, I scare pretty easy and since I assumed only girls would have their residency here, I was just very surprised that you were suddenly here.

You fully understand her reason. In fact, Kate is not the only one who was quite shocked about your arrival. Emilia on the other hand, was also pretty shocked with the news that a guy had arrived. You also tell her that you're with her on this, and she is satisfied with your answer. The two of you start to talk, and Starlight eventually joined the conversation, getting rid of her vague feeling about the situation.

Some time has passed, and you suddenly see Emilia walking away from a certain dorm. You haven't even noticed that she arrived there in the first place. Kate and Starlight also notice her, and also wonder what she could be doing there.

  • Starlight: Well Keith, I got an interesting job for you to do. Since Kate and I are going to evaluate in her dorm, why won't you check out what the nurse did there?

It's a kind of strange favor, but since you got nothing better to do, why not?

  • You: Ehm, suree...!
  • Starlight: Great, come with me Kate. We're going to your dorm now.

While Starlight grabs Kate's hand and drags her towards her dorm, Kate turns around and waves at you just before you looked away at the dorm Emilia just was. She just was at the far right dorm, at the edge of the camp. You wonder what she could have done there...

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