Choose your own Naruto Adventure- Go with Gai's Team? P29

From Create Your Own Story

You have made it perfectly clear that you are going to go out into the battle-field despite the objections.

"Hey Gai-san...mind if I go with your group?" You say.

Neji seems annoyed and glares at you, he isn't happy about the way you had shot him down when he objected to your desire to accompany the shinobi out in the first place.

Gai flashes you a thumbs up, "You recognize the youthfulness our team brims with!"

"Right." You respond distractedly.

"Let's head out." Kakashi announces.


Without even asking, Lee hoists you onto his back, "We'll be faster this way." He explains and you just sigh in defeat.

So you all head out and take your positions...and now you all wait...and observe.

You are pretty nervous but also excited at the same time.

It is getting darker...then...there...two figures...

'The Akatsuki...' You think to yourself.

Yuura is at the main guard-post, as he is supposed to be...but now that you know the Akatsuki have come, there is no longer a need for the hidden shinobi stay hidden.

"Stay where you are, Kimiko-san." Lee tells you and you nod as the plan is carried out.

The other shinobi serving under Yuura had been cautioned so they take care of their 'captain'. Leaving the Konoha shinobi and the three sand-nin to deal with the Akatsuki.

You carefully creep to another hiding place.

"Oh, look..." Deidara smirks. "They were expecting us...too bad we were expecting 'em too..."

'What? But how...' You wonder.

It seems the other shinobi are surprised too...they had attacked but those were deflected.

"What do you want with Gaara!" Naruto demands.

Deidara raises an eyebrow, "I guess that one's him...the Kyuubi...just like Itachi said...hey, Sasori, I'll take on the handle the rest..."

'So...they found out and changed their plans to target Naruto instead?'

"Fine." Sasori grunts in response.

"Kyuubi, I'm your opponent..." he flicks out a clay bird that instantly expands into one large enough for him to mount and it begins to flap off, "If you refuse to fight me...I will go after the other Jinchuriki..."

That gets to Naruto and he starts bounding after him.

"Naruto wait!" Kakashi calls out, "Dammit." And he follows.

"Kankuro, I'll go help them!" Temari calls out to her brother as she prepares to run after Kakashi.

"Fine, I'll stay to help handle this guy then..."

"Seven against one?" Sasori remarks.

"Not likely." Another figure emerges from the shadows.

You should have guessed they'd bring reinforcements.

"Kisame...why are you here." Sasori seems annoyed. (Dont complain about changes to the original storyline, you weren't even supposed to be there in the first place)

"Orders." Kisame shrugs..."Plus...I got some unfinished business to settle with this one." He points to Gai.

"Me?...I wonder why..." The aforementioned shinobi wonders.

"You gotta be screwing with me..." Kisame mutters.

Okay, so it looks like the groups splitting up...

Naruto, Kakashi and Temari vs. Deidara

Sakura, Chiyo and Kankuro vs. Sasori

Gai, Lee, Neji and Tenten vs. Kisame

You'll be sticking with Gai's team, since that's what you decided from the start, but you want to tell him who Kisame is?

Tell Gai who Kisame is? P33

Don't bother, he won't remember anyway P34

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