Chat with the bouncer when he's got a free moment

From Create Your Own Story

You wait for the bouncer to be alone, and then step up beside him.

"Place is closing down for the night, eh?" you say, feeling a little lame.

He grins at you. "How's the birthday boy doing?" You can't help but feel a little rush at him remembering you.

"I'm having a great night," you say.

"I noticed," he says, and gives you a long look. "Those two bears over there were talking about you earlier."

You blush, glancing at Don and Dave. "Oh?"

"Yeah," the bouncer says, shifting slightly. The STAFF shirt he's wearing stretches tight over his wide chest, and he crosses his thick arms. "I think they're hoping you'll head home with them tonight. Or at least, that's what I assume they meant when they said they'd like to feed you at both ends."

You grin a little, unable to help yourself.

"You like that, huh?" he says. "Bein' the piggy in the middle?"

You nod, blushing again.

He smiles. "Well, I'm sure it's fun for a slutty boy like you," he says, and he reaches forward and takes your shoulder for a second. "But there's something to be said for a more... intense... one-on-one."

"Oh?" You look at him, wondering if he's just talking, or...

"If you like a rough ride," the bouncer says, then leans in close. "And I mean a very rough ride, then come find me once the place is ready to close." He lets go of your shoulder, and smiles at you. "I might just break you, but you'll remember this birthday forever."

Then he shrugs. "If you're into that."

More customers are leaving, and he turns from you to get their coats, then glances back at you.


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