Big Ugly Story/Head into the center of town

From Create Your Own Story

You make your way towards what passes for the heart of Big Ugly. The center of town holds a dilapidated-looking jail, empty at the moment, that usually houses whichever town residents get so drunk they can't walk. Friday and Saturday nights usually see two or three locals in this condition. The police/fire station is next to the jail. Big Ugly has a chief and one deputy.

Right now the chief and deputy are sitting on a bench outside the station chitchatting and waiting to see if their services will be needed today. The chief is older than your father, but his deputy is in his mid-to-late 20's. Deputy Steve is muscular, ruggedly handsome, and his black hair is in a military-style buzz cut.

Across from the jail and police/fire station is the town store. You could pop in and see if any of the shoppers catch your eye.

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