Attack the men with the baseball bat

From Create Your Own Story

You don't wait. As soon as they notice the shine of your flashlight, it's too late for them. You rush into the room swinging the bat, and catch the first man right in the temple with a sickening thud. He topples backwards onto the floor, and swing back the other direction, catching the second man just under the chin. He crumples into the wall, then collapses atop Melanie on the bed.

Melanie gets to her feet, pulling herself out from underneath the unconscious attacker. "They were going to rape me," she says. "Call the police."

As the man on the floor begins to stir, you feel anger roil in your arms, and you give him another wack with the bat. He slumps back down on his belly and doesn't move.

You explain the situation with your phone being out of service, the storm, the outage, and try to calm Melanie down. When she's breathing normally again, she uses her bed sheets to bind the men's hands behind their backs. When she's finished, she dashes at you, throwing her arms around your neck and kissing your face in a desperate attempt to thank you for saving her from the horrors the men had planned.

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