A New Teacher (With Starlight) - Camp Skylight (Chapter 1.7)

From Create Your Own Story

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Since the office is a place where you probably can get answers quickly, since staff usually is here, your best bet may be to visit this place. And thus, you head to this location.

After arrival, you look through the windows of the office. And as you already expected, you can see the principal and CĂ©line through the windows! They don't notice you yet, but that will change soon enough since you're about to...

???: Excuse me sir, but do you know where I can find the principal?

You look behind you, where the soft voice came from. Once you turn around, you quickly get the urge to turn back again since you don't want this girl to see the instant blush on your face. You don't know this girl, and she also does not know you. Although, you really wouldn't mind to change that fact. The one who you currently see in front of you, is a slim, orange-haired beauty with shining hazel eyes. She is dressed in a school uniform, even though she doesn't seem like a student to you.

  • ???: Sorry sir, is something wrong?

It seems that you forgot to respond to her question! Her beauty amazed you, and thus you were speechless for a while. Also, why does she call you sir and why is she not surprised that you are a guy? Only one way to find out...

  • You: Uhh yeah I do! It's right here behind me.
  • ???: Ah I see. Thank you!

After she responds to you with a smile on her face, the girl walks towards the door. She places her right hand on the doorknob, and breathes in and out for a moment. You wonder why she does this, and maybe it's best to ask her while she is still outdoors.

What will you do?

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