Scrolling Lists In Your Sidebar

From Bloggerhacks



For use with Blogger blogs.


Scott from Bananna Stew


Dynamic Scrolling Lists in Blogger Template Sidebar

Skill Level

You must be comfortable with editing CSS and your Blogger template.


Adds a scrolling list in your template sidebar that changes on every page without having to republish your entire blog.

From the home page:

There are many reasons why someone might want to create a dynamic scrolling list in the sidebar. For example:

  • You have a list of links to other sites that you'd like to update occasionally without having to re-publish your entire blog
  • You have a list that is dynamic (like a Blogroll), but it is getting too long to aesthetically fit into your template
  • You have a list of links to posts in your own blog that you'd like to update occasionally without having to re-publish your entire blog
  • You want to include another blog within your blog, allowing you to post little snarky comments, short book and movie reviews, etc.


See the detailed instructions for template editing at the homepage.

Sites Using This Hack

Edit this area and add your own link if you are using this hack.

Screenshot of Hack in Use

Scrolling Sidebar

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