
From Asaction


Real Name Not Given
Registration Date April 1, 2004
Rank SwimSuperStar
Regulars Action Discussion

An anime lover from way back when, Angelynx-prime has created Amalgam the best Samurai Champloo website on the Internet as well as krusnik 02, a site about Trinity Blood. She's a valued Action Discussion regular. Angelynx also sports a tattoo of Jin and Mugen's swords on her shoulder, designed by good friend and long-time roommate (<3)GeckoZero. (Her other tattoos include a Celtic knotwork piece and a full-length portrait of the Creature from the Black Lagoon, all executed by the gifted Susan Behney of Jinx Proof Tattoos.)

Angelynx-prime is one of the oldest members of the ASMB, having been born in the year of James_Dean's death, and has been interested in animation and anime nearly all her life. Though originally exposed to anime through such horrors as the American Sandy Frank revamp of Gatchaman (Battle of the Planets), she wasn't truly indoctrinated until the late 1980s, when she (and GeckoZero) moved into a communal household spearheaded by several serious otaku. There was then no commercial American distribution of unmutilated anime or manga (consider that, otaku of today: no translated manga at Barnes and Noble, no anime DVDs in the chain stories, and no Pocky on the shelves at Safeway); the household got its fix by having friends in Japan ship them VHS tapes taken directly from Japanese TV, commercials and all, muddling through the translations as best they could in marathon dictionary-group sessions. In this highly-charged atmosphere of total cultural immersion Angelynx acquired a love of and fascination with anime that she will probably maintain all her life. She presently manifests this love in many hours on the ASMB, the maintenance of a healthy and growing family of anime-related websites, and the creation of many, many, many pages of fanfiction, much of it yaoi (w00t).

Her major anime crushes are Ishikawa Goemon of Lupin III and Jin of Samurai Champloo. Besides anime, her animated favorites are the Golden Age Warner_Brothers Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies, and the work of Jay Ward. She drinks too much coffee and hates bigotry, guns, ignorance, online rudeness, and all sports that don't involve horses.

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