
From 667darkavenue

Tragedy, or Milan, is the administrator and founder of 667 Dark Avenue. He is 17 years old, and his birthday is on November third. He is currently attending Stanford University and is majoring in Economics. He has an AIM address, and a livejournal found in his profile. Several members are quite fond of Tragedy, while some are not so fond. Tragedy was an original member of the Fancy is not Tragedy's mother. Tragedy is cool. After the competition that put All Due Respect in a position of power, Tragedy stepped down as admin, but has since been re-instated as a result of his own [brilliant] decision. Since returning, Tragedy has been even more active and has started the Otiose Objectives, giving 667 the jump start it's needed.

Tragedy knows how to play bass guitar. He also loves Red Hot Chili Peppers, like member Jemima. Flea was his inspiration to learn bass.

Tragedy also popularized the phrase, *admin power surge*

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