
From 667darkavenue

Luis, totally not photoshopped.

Luis is known more commonly on 667 as Ron Weasley.

His name, by request, should be pronounced "loo-ease".

Luis and 667

He once deleted his account, but his most recent account was made November 2005. He is known for his gold writing, his hilarious signiture, and his friendship with fellow 667 member Derik, who won last years 667 Big Brother. Early in his days at 667, he was known to have a huge love for 667 member Kimia, as well as being a slight n00b, but now he is a well-known and funny member on 667 Dark Avenue. He is currently e-married to Linda Rahldeen. He left 667 on July, erasing his account. He came back as DouglasAdams in order to reply to a thread made for him and left once more, never to return again, thankfully.

About him

Luis is 16, and lives in Puerto Rico. He was born on November 26th, 1990. He has been in Saint George's Academy for 12 years. He has been a B student. He met his current girlfriend in 2nd grade. She's an A student and was valedictorian during her 8th grade graduation.

Random Facts

Is a feminist.

Has had a girlfriend for 3 years.

Got caught with drugs at school.

Has a bunny called Lola, a male lovebird called Edgar, and a female lovebird called Lenore.

Was inspired by Derik to camera-whore, but failed.

His vision loss is so great, he's legally blind.

Visited New York on July 20th through the 25th but failed to meet M., J., or Derik.

Is unloved by many members, repeatedly.

Is probably not being held hostage / talking to M. right now.

Has a horrible accent.

Had a magical exploding phone.

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