
From Zok

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Nyan is one of the children of Dezzik's rape of Tyani. Like his sister, Nanui, and unlike his brothers Akiand Achio, Nyan has devoted himself to his mother's ideals. He strives to atone for the sin that led to his creation, subverting his father's aims whenever he can. Dezzik is the god of the sun, but Nyan is the god of shade; constantly at work aiding the victims of his father's fury. He is the founder of the Cactus Cult, though its clerics primarily worship his mother, and he is spiritual father to Issel Dul Nyan. Nyan lives in the open in Dezzik's territory in the Plains of Glass, personally protecting his followers and trying to convert Dezzik's slaves into Dezzik's most furious enemies.



The Dark Refuge

  • Lesser Deity
  • Symbol:
  • Home Plane: Plains of Glass
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Portfolio: Shade, Water, Darkness, Cool Breezes, Oases, Passive Resistance
  • Worshippers: Desert peoples
  • Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG
  • Domains: Healing, Water, Summer, Liberation
  • Favored Weapon: Nunchaku


Clergy and Temples




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