
From Zok

Revision as of 03:57, 3 January 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Lady Anata is the daughter and finest creation of Vornik. Long ago, before the rise of the first moon, Hirzek came to Pnugul and demanded that Vornik brew for him a toxin potent enough to bring even a god to his knees. Vornik initially claimed that such a venom was impossible, but the young war god was persistent and the Venomlord finally relented. The tale of his quest for a solution to the problem is not told, though it is known that he implored Zokthis and Subri for aid. The problem soon grew to obsess him, for he was after all the Venomlord. Impatient, Hirzek looked for darker and older powers to serve his purpose, but Vornik toiled on until he saw the fruition of his ultimate task. When all was complete, Lady Anata sprang forth in Pnugul, though whether she arrived there from the Void or through Vornik's design is not known. She struck her father through the heart with her harpoon, and burned the withered organ to ash before leaving the Night Forest. She fulfilled Vornik's aims, wreaking untold havoc upon the gods before Gulzek turned her own harpoon against her.



The Kindler, The Black Lady

  • Intermediate Deity
  • Symbol:
    • Dark Flame on a light green background
    • Any object with a strong emotional tie to your loved one
  • Home Plane: Anadros, Faerie
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Portfolio: Drow, Love
    • The Kindler: Lovers, Bards, Dance, Marriage
    • The Black Lady: Passion, Darkness, Rage, Fertility
  • Worshippers: Lovers, Bards, Drow, Married people, Dancers, Fey, Barbarians with a soft side
  • Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, LG, N
  • Domains: Liberation, Healing
  • Favored Weapon:
    • The Kindler: Harpoon
    • The Black Lady: Goad


Clergy and Temples

The Kindler

The Black Lady




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