From Zanzibar
Strength: 6
Perception: 5
Endurance: 6
Charisma: 5
Agility: 7
Intelligence: 7
Hit Points: 13
Experience Points: 0 (1000 needed for next level.)
Mechanical repair: 40%
unarmed combat: 40%
first aid: 40%
Acrobatics: 40%
Small guns: 40%
Traps: 40%
Blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin. Petite. Buxom. Disturbingly Canadian.
One dead biro pen. 4 CDs, two of which are broken. Empty shoebox. Several broken fragments of pen. Swimsuit made out of odd material. Labcoat. Plastic flashlight. Knuckle duster. Plastic box with 20 phials. Bone club.