Daily Log
From Yukishiro
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April 2007
April 19
- Scan time
- Add vitamin-E pills
- Get translational raw data first (to verify the peak positions)
- Get out-of-plane rotational raw data
- Get in-plane rotational raw data
April 18
MR Group Meeting -
Write wiki docs for image registration module and update the same section in work report -
Meeting with Bonny - Gym
GPU tests- found a bug in RM - MI cannot be done if that's not fixed
- accuracy would be an issue
April 11
Update rtViewer document (before group meeting) -
Run qrth with scanplanectrl plugin (noon-ish) -
Make a branch to change the way Rufous selects raw data for volproj (afternoon) -
Run - Write test plans for CPU version of MI (put it on c8 as well)
April 6
Modify and improve mutual information code -
March 2007
March 27th
Finish MI code- haven't tested it yet
Scan test (FFS, FFP, HFP) - rtViewer (2:30 - 4:00pm) -
March 26th
Print out scholarship application and mail it.
March 24th & 25th
Finish scholarship application.- resume not updated
File tax -
Clean mutual information code.</>- being done
Cloud -> understand how to render the cloud
March 23rd
<s>Eposter for INO - morning-
Double check Rufous' geometry pipeline -
March 22nd
Write more test cases for rotation and translation. -
Read about grub -
Find out the bug for geometry!!! -
March 21st
Investigate memory leak issue. (try HEAD version) -
Complete changelist on wiki. Checkin multiplane changes. -
- instead..i started installing Gentoo..and failed..
March 20th
Burn Gentoo CD (and take one blank for bootcamp) - Double check doxygen comments (check in the code this week)
Run Rufous with Valgrind. Test it in multiple imaging modes.- need to fix some of the leaks/reachables
Write plans for animal study, and test Rufous during the study (1:00 - 6:00pm) - Gym (8:00-9:00, high-low impact)
- :-(
Reinstall OSX, bootcamp, Ubuntu, and drivers.- :-)
March 19th
Course enrollment (fax the form in S Wing) -
Make Rufous backward compatible with the old volproj -
1.5T test (1pm - 5pm) - Think about how to do picking (GL or custom class)
March 17th, 18th
A3 - finish loading scene and orientation!! - A3 - finish picking!!
March 16th
rtViewer user manual -
Investigate geometry problem for Rufous- @#$@#%@#%#$%^$^$$%@#$@#$
Buy Mihaela a coffee and talk to her about the project -
Finish tax filing- need to submit the file
March 15th
Finish e-poster -
Finish Electrohome first draft- draft done
Find what's causing the geometry problem- not the type conversion problem. need more investigation
March 13th
Add doxygen document to merge branch -
Co-op coordinator meeting (11:00 - 12:00) -
VolProj study (13:00 - 16:00) -
Summrize study results
March 12th
Double check the set-up on IRCCI MR3 (old Rufous and old volproj module). Write short plan as preparation for the study. -
Volproj study: 10:00 - 13:00 -
Multiplane Rufous + Catheter testing: 14:00 - 16:00 -
Summarize study and test results.- e-poster outline is not finished
March 11th
Reading and writing practice - Gym
- Coding A3 (MUST FINISH!!!)
March 10th
Reading and writing practice -
Laundry -
Grocery -
Go out with Janet
March 9th
Go to payroll and fill out the form - Update multiplane design doc
VolProj leg study trial- Cancelled due to construction
Finish GeomMgr integration stage 1- Almost done. Need test cases. Investigate CppUnit.
Gym (leave early)
March 8th
Check in multiplane rtviewer -
Restart geom manager integration coding
March 7th
Verify the merge branch works well in simulation (multiplane + multicoil + movie recording + volproj + cath) -
CTO Study -
March 6th
Leg experiment - 10:00am (Make sure the right version of Rufous and volproj module is uploaded) - Image registration (cont'd)
Talk to Desmond
March 5th
Write out the volproj fft result to files and load up with matlab -
scan time 10:00am to 11:00am (which is the first projection data?) - Double check multiplane Rufous and rtViewer again and get ready for CVS checkin
Image registration reading (as well as rtViewer doc update)- rtViewer doc is still not updated
Gym & Post office- Post office, but no gym
New word list (9-10pm) -
Fix the translation "lag" problem in all assignments - Start the cloud data structure
March 4th
- Start implementing cloud using the technique on the paper
Grocery -
Shovel (cont'd) -
Do some reading - orlando
March 3rd
Buy Janet present -
Shovel -
Laundry - Read the cloud paper again
- Finish A3 orientation mode
March 1st
Update Rufous documentation for multiplane -
Test rtViewer multiplane with single-plane Rufous then merge master with multiplane -
Update volproj recon module<s> Update image registration document (rtViewer part)
Feb 2007
Feb 27
Prepare for the demo in the afternoon.<s>Run Rufous in multicoil mode and see the sum of square thing.-
Copy the volproj movies and draft a small presentation. - Look at the image registration code (?)
Jan 2007
Jan 14
- Blender IRC meeting @ 12pm
- Continue A2 coding
Jan 13
- Laundry
- A2 coding
- Blender reading
Jan 12
Grocery -
Upgrade system (try xubuntu first, if fails then try ubuntu) -
Skype - Make coding schedule for A2
- DP: Abstract Factory and Factory, review Bridge
Jan 10
- Review some slides in GPU course (9-10)
singleton -
A2 start
Jan 9
- Review some slides in GPU course (3-6)
Jan 8
Mipmaps definition -
Finish paper reading-
up to page 14 --Jing 23:09, 8 January 2007 (EST)
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