Main Page

From Yukishiro

Revision as of 02:48, 1 September 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)


My TODO lists

Daily Log

Things to do daily:

  1. One page of new GRE vocab
  2. Review two pages (previous day and pick one from the prev week)

I need to prepare my interview with MS in September

  1. Read project management docs
  2. Review data structure and algorithm
  3. Review C++ Primer
  4. Review basic graphics concepts and algorithms


  1. Learn OpenGL shading languages and study shader examples
  2. Start practicing writing topics



  1. Finish motion compensation project at work Mostly done. Still need testing.
  2. Prepare for presentation Prensentation went well. :-)
  3. Finish work report
  4. Fray - finish area light, texture and soft shadow

Long Term Goals

  • Work Experience

Microsoft Internship. Interview in October 2006.

  • Research Experience

URA for Fall 2006. I will be working on shaders and libsh.

  • GRE

late April or early May 2007

  • GRE subject test

September 2007


Other optional things to do

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  1. Wikipedia list of wikis
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    • Whatever you enter in this page will be added to the html in the header after the standard style sheet, so you can override styles.
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