Daily Log

From Yukishiro

Revision as of 12:41, 4 May 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

May 2007

May 5 & May 6

  1. Complete graphics assignment 1 (100% with testing)
  2. Graphics assignment 3.
  3. C++ and algorithm reading

May 4

  1. Update resume
  2. English 306A

May 3

  1. Go to maintenance office to pick up package and report blinds.
  2. Improve assignment 2
  3. QNX system.
  4. Hotpot with friends @ 8pm

May 2

  1. Leave house @9:30am to request TWMC letter and transcript.
  2. Preview and review courses.
  3. Transfer projects to mac. Finish assignment 0.
    need to write README and manual
  4. WCRI meeting

May 1

  1. Borrow books from library.
  2. Adjust course selection.
  3. Finish work term report.
    mostly done. need editing.
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