Episode 3: My Cards Will Go On

From Yugiohtas

Revision as of 09:51, 29 September 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
Episode 3
My Cards Will Go On
Season 1
Based on YGO episodes 3
Length 4:33
Characters Bakura, Joey, Kemo, Mai Valentine, Rex Raptor, Tea, Tristan, Weevil Underwood, Yugi
[{{{link}}} Episode link]

My Cards Will Go On is the third episode of Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series, and the first to contain references to the changes in the English dub of Yu-Gi-Oh!.

Site description

The gang travel to Duellist Kingdom on a luxurious cruise ship, but onboard shenanigans commence.


(Taken from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Wikia.)

Yami: I'm not actually in this episode.. has anyone seen my agent?

Yugi: Well, Grandpa's a drooling vegetable. And now, thanks to Pegasus, he's lost his soul too. I just gotta save him. But first, I should probably figure out how to get down from here. Hello? A little help here? Anybody?

Joey: Hey, it's another video! I wonder if Pegasus wants my soul too?
Joey puts the video in the player.
Serenity appears on the screen.
Serenity: What's up big brother?
Joey: It's my sister who sounds nothin' like me!
Serenity: The doctors have been so busy trying to figure out why my voice is so high-pitched, they've neglected to treat my eyesight! So I'm going blind. Well. seeya later! ..or not..
The video stops.
Joey: I guess my soul ain't good enough for Pegasus.

Yugi: I've decided to accept Pegasus' invitation and travel to his private island where I'll be completely at his mercy. It's a shame rich megalomaniacs are immune from the law, otherwise we could just call the police!
Joey: Cash sure does do terrible things to people. It's like the old saying goes: Money is the root of all-
Tristan: Hey look! This tournament has a prize of three million dollars!
Joey: Cha-ching! Duelist Kingdom, here I come!

Yugi: Hey Joey, remember the time we became friends?
Joey: Yeah.

Joey has a flashback:
Yugi: Give me back my Millennium Puzzle you big dickweeds! Waaaah!
Joey and Tristan: We're tormenting you!
The flashback ends.

Yugi: Actually Joey, I was talking about the part after that.
Joey: Oh.. oh yeah, now I remember!

Joey has another flashback:
Yugi: I mean it guys, give it back!
Joey and Tristan: We're still tormenting you!
The flashback ends.

Joey: Man, good times!
Yugi: No Joey, I mean the time when I saved you from that bully!
Joey: Huh.. no.. no, I don't remember that..
Yugi: But I was all heroic and stuff!
Joey: Hey, remember the time me and Tristan took your Millennium Puzzle?

Joey has another flashback:
Yugi: Waaaahahahaaah!
Joey and Tristan: Torment!
The flashback ends.

Yugi: Remind me why we're friends again?

Kemo: Attention Duelists! My hair is telling you that it's time for you to board! Anyone without a crazy hairstyle will NOT be permitted to enter the Duelist Kingdom!
Joey: Hey! But my hair's all blonde and poofy!
Guard: Sorry sir, but it needs to be at least twice the size of your head to count.
Yugi: He's with me.
Guard: Wow! Your hair's crazy enough for two people! Okay he can go.
Joey: Thanks Yug. Man, your hair really is crazy. What the heck's your secret?
Yugi: L'Oréal. Because I'm worth it.

Téa: Come on, Tristan! Let's sneak on board like Solid Snake!
Tristan: Don't our parents even care that we're missing?

Mai: Is that a Lightforce Sword in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Joey: Check it out, Yug. It's a pair of giant breasts attached to a woman.
Mai: The name's Mai Valentine. It's not a very subtle pun, but then again, nothing about me is very subtle.
Joey: Boooobiiiiies.
Mai: I'll crush you when we get to the island.
Joey: With your boobies, right?

Tristan: What's wrong, Téa?
Téa: I need to use the bathroom, but the lady who dubs me won't admit it.
Tristan: In another few hours the sun will rise!
Téa: What the f*ck does that mean?!
Text appears on screen: (seriously, he actually says that... wtf?)
Téa: Hey, isn't that Bakura?
Tristan: Bakura? That limey kid from school?
Téa: What's he doing here?
Tristan: Who cares? He's not even a main character!

Rex: Woah! Uh-huh-huh..Come to Raptor.
Mai: Tell you what, Rex, if I win this duel, I get to use your room. But if you win, then I'll give you a kiss!
Rex: Cool. Then I, like, won't be a virgin anymore.

Weevil: Heh-heh, hey Yugi, heh-heh, like, give me your cards or something. Heh-heh.
Yugi: Well, you're clearly evil, but I see no reason not to trust you.
Weevil: Say goodbye to Exodia!
Weevil throws Exodia overboard.
Weevil: Heh-heh-heh-heh, yeah, heh-heh that was cool, heh-heh-heh.
Weevil walks away.
Yugi: Holy cow, I never even saw that coming!
Joey: I'll save 'em!
Joey dives after the cards.
My Heart Will Go On starts playing.
Joey: Must.. risk.. life.. for cards!
Yugi dives in after Joey to save him.
My Heart Will Go On suddenly stops.
Tristan drops a ladder down to Yugi and Joey.
Tristan: Hey! Get a room you two!

Mai: Get out, loser!
Mai chucks Rex into the hall.
Rex: Uh.. did I just score?

Téa: Sorry you almost drowned, guys.
Tristan: If it's any consolation, the sun will be up in a few hours!
Joey: Man, I can't believe I didn't save your cards! Compared to this, my sister's imminent blindness seems like a minor inconvenience!
Yugi: Your sister? How come you never mentioned that sub-plot before?
Joey: My parents got divorced a long time ago, because I tried teaching her how to drive.

Joey has a flashback:
Serenity: Joey! Stop this crazy thing!
Joey: Apply the handbrake, ya dumb broad!
The flashback ends.

Tristan: If she's going blind, I might actually have a chance with her!

Yugi: We'll both do our best, Joey! You for your sister, and me for my Grandpa.
Téa: I'm not even sure why I bothered coming!
Tristan: Hey, look! I was right about the sun!

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